How to - Create a Scientific Method

OK, so your science teacher has asked you to create a scientific experiment, and wants you to show your results.  How do you do this?  Well, use this template to get started:

TITLE - (the title of your experiment)

AIM - (a clear statement of the purpose of your experiment)

HYPOTHESIS - (complete a hypothesis for this experiment, note: this including why you made your prediction)

EQUIPMENT - (list all the equipment and/or materials used in this experiment.  Use bullet points for readability)

DIAGRAM - (Include a photo or drawing of your experiment.  This could be the result, or could also include the steps)

(Give a step-by-step description of how the experiment was carried out.  This section should be written in a numbered format, in a passive/impersonal voice and in past-tense)


INDEPENDENT VARIABLE - (what will you change?)

DEPENDENT VARIABLE - (what will you measure?)

CONTROLLED VARIABLE - (what will you keep the same to make it fair?)

(Draw a suitable table and record your results.  Use scientific notation and/or units of measure in your column headings as appropriate)

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